BMI Not Accurate in Predicting Obesity in Majority of People

Body mass index (BMI) is a widely used measure to assess obesity and health risks. However, recent studies have shown that BMI is not accurate in predicting obesity in majority of people, especially those with different body shapes, ethnicities, and muscle mass. In this article, we will explore the limitations of BMI and some alternative… Continue reading BMI Not Accurate in Predicting Obesity in Majority of People

New Insights into Obesity Causes: Empowering You on Your Journey to Wellness

Author: BOT Wellness Team Date: June 20, 2023 Welcome back to the Beat Obesity Together (BOT) blog! Our community is built on the foundation of supporting each other in our health journeys. Our motto, ‘One Team, One Dream,’ is a reminder that when we work together, we can achieve great things. Today, we’ll discuss some… Continue reading New Insights into Obesity Causes: Empowering You on Your Journey to Wellness

One Team, One Dream: A Healthier World Without The Disease Of Obesity!

Welcome to the BOT (Beat Obesity Together) blog! Our mission is to create a community that is aware, educated, and empowered to battle obesity. Today, we’re delving into the essentials of understanding obesity. Introduction to Obesity Obesity is a complex and chronic health issue affecting millions worldwide. It’s characterized by an excessive amount of body… Continue reading One Team, One Dream: A Healthier World Without The Disease Of Obesity!